Ko o tatou hua e mohiotia whanuitia ana, e whakawhirinakihia ana e nga kaiwhakamahi, ka taea te whakatutuki i nga hiahia ohaoha me nga hiahia hapori mo te utu iti mo te utu iti mo nga taputapu motika Crankshaft Balance Block, Harmonic Balancer Auto Parts, Tena koa mai ki te mahi tahi me te hanga ki a matou! ka haere tonu matou ki te whakarato taonga ki te kounga teitei me te utu whakataetae.
Ko o tatou hua e mohiotia whanuitia ana, e whakaponohia ana e nga kaiwhakamahi, ka taea te whakatutuki i nga hiahia ohaoha me nga hiahia haporiHaina Harmonic Balancer, Na ka mahi tonu matou. Ko matou, ka aro nui ki te kounga teitei, me te mohio ki te hiranga o te tiaki taiao, ko te nuinga o nga taonga he kore parahanga, he rongoa taiao, whakamahia ano i runga i te otinga. Kua Whakahoutia e matou ta matou putumōhio, e whakaatu ana i ta matou whakahaere. N nga taipitopito me te kapi i nga hua tuatahi e whakaratohia ana e matou i tenei wa, Ka toro pea koe ki ta maatau paetukutuku-paetukutuku, e uru ana ki a maatau raina hua hou. Kei te tumanako matou ki te whakahohe i to taatau hononga kamupene.
Ko te Harmonic balancer he waahanga taraiwa taapiri-mua e hono ana ki te crankshaft o te miihini. Ko te hanga noa ko te tari o roto me tetahi mowhiti o waho e hono ana ki te rapa.
Ko te kaupapa he whakaiti i te wiri o te miihini me te mahi hei pulley mo nga whitiki taraiwa.
Ko te Harmonic balancer e kiia ana ko te Harmonic damper, vibration pulley, crankshaft pulley, crankshaft damper me crankshaft balancer, me etahi atu.Our hua e mohiotia whānuitia ana, ka whakawhirinakihia e nga kaiwhakamahi ka taea te whakatutuki i nga hiahia ohaoha me nga hiahia hapori mo te utu iti mo te utu Aunoa Crankshaft Balance Poraka, Harmonic Balancer Auto Parts, Tena koe ki te mahi tahi me te hanga tahi me matou! ka haere tonu matou ki te whakarato taonga ki te kounga teitei me te utu whakataetae.
Utu itiHaina Harmonic Balancerme nga Waahanga Aunoa, Na ka mahi tonu matou. Ko matou, ka aro nui ki te kounga teitei, me te mohio ki te hiranga o te tiaki taiao, ko te nuinga o nga taonga he kore parahanga, he rongoa taiao, whakamahia ano i runga i te otinga. Kua Whakahoutia e matou ta matou putumōhio, e whakaatu ana i ta matou whakahaere. N nga taipitopito me te kapi i nga hua tuatahi e whakaratohia ana e matou i tenei wa, Ka toro pea koe ki ta maatau paetukutuku-paetukutuku, e uru ana ki a maatau raina hua hou. Kei te tumanako matou ki te whakahohe i to taatau hononga kamupene.
Te waahanga waahanga:600048
Ingoa: Harmonic Balancer
Momo Hua: Kaitaurite Harmonic Engine
Tohu Wā: Ae
Momo Whitiki Puku::Serpentine
MOTORI WAHI: 24504609, 91176102
1994 Buick Century V6 3.1L 189cid
1995 Buick Century V6 3.1L 189cid
1996 Buick Century V6 3.1L 189cid
1997 Buick Century V6 3.1L 189cid
1998 Buick Century V6 3.1L 189cid
1999 Buick Century V6 3.1L 189cid
2000 Buick Century V6 3.1L 189cid
2001 Buick Century V6 3.1L 189cid
2002 Buick Century V6 3.1L 189cid
2003 Buick Century V6 3.1L 189cid
2004 Buick Century V6 3.1L 189cid
2005 Buick Century V6 3.1L 189cid
1994 Buick Regal V6 3.1L 189cid
1995 Buick Regal V6 3.1L 189cid
1996 Buick Regal V6 3.1L 189cid
2002 Buick Rendezvous V6 3.4L 207cid
2003 Buick Rendezvous V6 3.4L 207cid
2004 Buick Rendezvous V6 3.4L 207cid
2005 Buick Rendezvous V6 3.4L 207cid
1994 Buick Skylark V6 3.1L 189cid
1995 Buick Skylark V6 3.1L 189cid
1996 Buick Skylark V6 3.1L 189cid
1997 Buick Skylark V6 3.1L 189cid
1998 Buick Skylark V6 3.1L 189cid
1994 Chevrolet Beretta V6 3.1L 189cid
1995 Chevrolet Beretta V6 3.1L 189cid
1996 Chevrolet Beretta V6 3.1L 189cid
1994 Chevrolet Corsica V6 3.1L 189cid
1995 Chevrolet Corsica V6 3.1L 189cid
1996 Chevrolet Corsica V6 3.1L 189cid
2000 Chevrolet Impala V6 3.4L 207cid
2001 Chevrolet Impala V6 3.4L 207cid
2002 Chevrolet Impala V6 3.4L 207cid
2003 Chevrolet Impala V6 3.4L 207cid
2004 Chevrolet Impala V6 3.4L 207cid
2005 Chevrolet Impala V6 3.4L 207cid
1993 Chevrolet Lumina V6 3.4L 207cid
1994 Chevrolet Lumina V6 3.4L 207cid
1995 Chevrolet Lumina V6 3.1L 189cid
1995 Chevrolet Lumina V6 3.4L 207cid
1996 Chevrolet Lumina V6 3.1L 189cid
1996 Chevrolet Lumina V6 3.4L 207cid
1997 Chevrolet Lumina V6 3.1L 189cid
1997 Chevrolet Lumina V6 3.4L 207cid
1998 Chevrolet Lumina V6 3.1L 189cid
1999 Chevrolet Lumina V6 3.1L 189cid
2000 Chevrolet Lumina V6 3.1L 189cid
2001 Chevrolet Lumina V6 3.1L 189cid
1996 Chevrolet Lumina APV V6 3.4L 207cid
1997 Chevrolet Malibu V6 3.1L 189cid
1998 Chevrolet Malibu V6 3.1L 189cid
1999 Chevrolet Malibu V6 3.1L 189cid
2000 Chevrolet Malibu V6 3.1L 189cid
2001 Chevrolet Malibu V6 3.1L 189cid
2002 Chevrolet Malibu V6 3.1L 189cid
2003 Chevrolet Malibu V6 3.1L 189cid
1995 Chevrolet Monte Carlo V6 3.1L 189cid
1995 Chevrolet Monte Carlo V6 3.4L 207cid
1996 Chevrolet Monte Carlo V6 3.1L 189cid
1996 Chevrolet Monte Carlo V6 3.4L 207cid
1997 Chevrolet Monte Carlo V6 3.1L 189cid
1997 Chevrolet Monte Carlo V6 3.4L 207cid
1998 Chevrolet Monte Carlo V6 3.1L 189cid
1999 Chevrolet Monte Carlo V6 3.1L 189cid
2000 Chevrolet Monte Carlo V6 3.4L 207cid
2001 Chevrolet Monte Carlo V6 3.4L 207cid
2002 Chevrolet Monte Carlo V6 3.4L 207cid
2003 Chevrolet Monte Carlo V6 3.4L 207cid
2004 Chevrolet Monte Carlo V6 3.4L 207cid
2005 Chevrolet Monte Carlo V6 3.4L 207cid
1997 Chevrolet Venture V6 3.4L 207cid
1998 Chevrolet Venture V6 3.4L 207cid
1999 Chevrolet Venture V6 3.4L 207cid
2000 Chevrolet Venture V6 3.4L 207cid
2001 Chevrolet Venture V6 3.4L 207cid
2002 Chevrolet Venture V6 3.4L 207cid
2003 Chevrolet Venture V6 3.4L 207cid
2004 Chevrolet Venture V6 3.4L 207cid
2005 Chevrolet Venture V6 3.4L 207cid
1994 Oldsmobile Achieva V6 3.1L 189cid
1995 Oldsmobile Achieva V6 3.1L 189cid
1996 Oldsmobile Achieva V6 3.1L 189cid
1997 Oldsmobile Achieva V6 3.1L 189cid
1998 Oldsmobile Achieva V6 3.1L 189cid
1999 Oldsmobile Alero V6 3.4L 207cid
2000 Oldsmobile Alero V6 3.4L 207cid
2001 Oldsmobile Alero V6 3.4L 207cid
2002 Oldsmobile Alero V6 3.4L 207cid
2003 Oldsmobile Alero V6 3.4L 207cid
2004 Oldsmobile Alero V6 3.4L 207cid
1995 Oldsmobile Cutlass V6 3.1L 189cid
1996 Oldsmobile Cutlass V6 3.1L 189cid
1997 Oldsmobile Cutlass V6 3.1L 189cid
1998 Oldsmobile Cutlass V6 3.1L 189cid
1999 Oldsmobile Cutlass V6 3.1L 189cid
1994 Oldsmobile Cutlass Ciera V6 3.1L 189cid
1995 Oldsmobile Cutlass Ciera V6 3.1L 189cid
1996 Oldsmobile Cutlass Ciera V6 3.1L 189cid
1994 Oldsmobile Cutlass Cruiser V6 3.1L 189cid
1989 Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme V6 3.1L 189cid
1990 Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme V6 3.1L 189cid
1991 Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme V6 3.1L 189cid
1992 Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme V6 3.1L 189cid
1993 Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme V6 3.1L 189cid
1993 Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme V6 3.4L 207cid
1994 Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme V6 3.1L 189cid
1994 Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme V6 3.4L 207cid
1995 Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme V6 3.1L 189cid
1995 Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme V6 3.4L 207cid
1996 Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme V6 3.1L 189cid
1996 Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme V6 3.4L 207cid
1997 Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme V6 3.1L 189cid
1996 Oldsmobile Silhouette V6 3.4L 207cid
1997 Oldsmobile Silhouette V6 3.4L 207cid
1998 Oldsmobile Silhouette V6 3.4L 207cid
1999 Oldsmobile Silhouette V6 3.4L 207cid
2000 Oldsmobile Silhouette V6 3.4L 207cid
2001 Oldsmobile Silhouette V6 3.4L 207cid
2002 Oldsmobile Silhouette V6 3.4L 207cid
2003 Oldsmobile Silhouette V6 3.4L 207cid
2004 Oldsmobile Silhouette V6 3.4L 207cid
2001 Pontiac Aztek V6 3.4L 207cid
2002 Pontiac Aztek V6 3.4L 207cid
2003 Pontiac Aztek V6 3.4L 207cid
2004 Pontiac Aztek V6 3.4L 207cid
2005 Pontiac Aztek V6 3.4L 207cid
1994 Pontiac Grand Am V6 3.1L 189cid
1995 Pontiac Grand Am V6 3.1L 189cid
1996 Pontiac Grand Am V6 3.1L 189cid
1997 Pontiac Grand Am V6 3.1L 189cid
1998 Pontiac Grand Am V6 3.1L 189cid
1999 Pontiac Grand Am V6 3.4L 207cid
2000 Pontiac Grand Am V6 3.4L 207cid
2001 Pontiac Grand Am V6 3.4L 207cid
2002 Pontiac Grand Am V6 3.4L 207cid
2003 Pontiac Grand Am V6 3.4L 207cid
2004 Pontiac Grand Am V6 3.4L 207cid
2005 Pontiac Grand Am V6 3.4L 207cid
1993 Pontiac Grand Prix V6 3.4L 207cid
1994 Pontiac Grand Prix V6 3.1L 189cid
1994 Pontiac Grand Prix V6 3.4L 207cid
1995 Pontiac Grand Prix V6 3.1L 189cid
1995 Pontiac Grand Prix V6 3.4L 207cid
1996 Pontiac Grand Prix V6 3.1L 189cid
1996 Pontiac Grand Prix V6 3.4L 207cid
1997 Pontiac Grand Prix V6 3.1L 189cid
1998 Pontiac Grand Prix V6 3.1L 189cid
1999 Pontiac Grand Prix V6 3.1L 189cid
2000 Pontiac Grand Prix V6 3.1L 189cid
2001 Pontiac Grand Prix V6 3.1L 189cid
2002 Pontiac Grand Prix V6 3.1L 189cid
2003 Pontiac Grand Prix V6 3.1L 189cid
1999 Pontiac Montana V6 3.4L 207cid
2000 Pontiac Montana V6 3.4L 207cid
2001 Pontiac Montana V6 3.4L 207cid
2002 Pontiac Montana V6 3.4L 207cid
2003 Pontiac Montana V6 3.4L 207cid
2004 Pontiac Montana V6 3.4L 207cid
2005 Pontiac Montana V6 3.4L 207cid